A journey in archeology
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A journey in archeology
Roads that evoke secular passages. That to be there today we have to close our eyes and imagine ourselves assisting in the creation of a mosaic, of those for which today we are lined up. Splendours to admire in situ or in museums, for itineraries marked by art and history.
In Macerata Feltria, the Archaeological Museum reconstructs the ancient history of Montefeltro, starting from prehistory to the Romans, with reference to the city of Pitinum Pisaurense, with artifacts found during excavations.
In Alta Valle del Metauro, in Sant’Angelo in Vado there is the Domus del Mito. The domus gentilizia of Campo della Pieve is a riot of mosaics, including hunting scenes, the Medusa, marine animals, Neptune's cart, up to Bacchus.
Speaking of passages, here is the gallery in the Gola del Furlo. Starting from previous Etruscan works, between 76 and 77 AD the emperor Vespasiano organizes its construction, right at the narrowest point of the Gorge. Its almost forty meters are to be seen observing the traces of stonemason and pickaxe still visible on the rock, feeling almost its beating.
In the locality of Colombara di Acqualagna, then, in the rustic villa of the beginnings of the II century a.C.ci are the small blocks of the Furlo rose and the travertine of Nero. The Pitinum Mergens Antiquarium Museum celebrates the Via Flaminia and finds in the area, as well as the archaeological museum of Cagli.
In the area of the Sasso di Simone Nature Reserve, the Antiquarium delivers memorial stones and tombstones of the imperial age and examples of Roman statuary.
In Serra Sant’Abbondio, in the area of the Catria and Nerone, not far from the historical center, in the cemetery area, there is the early Christian crypt of San Biagio, one of the oldest historical and artistic testimonies of the Marches (VII or VIII century). Built with findings from a pagan temple, it was built at the beginning of the spread of Christianity in the Cesano valley.
In Alta Umbria the archaeological itineraries intersect the Via Flaminia, with Tadinum (Gualdo Tadino) and vicus Helvillum (Fossato di Vico) and yet Sigillo with their archaeological collections, up to Gubbio. It seems that Pliny the Young has long stayed in the town of San Giustino, which still bears his name, Colle Plinio, embellished with archaeological excavations preserved in the museum of the same name.
The ancient Iguvium, elected town hall in 90 BC it has been a thriving center since then. In the Palazzo dei Consoli the eugubine Tables are preserved, splendid testimony of the religious and social political life of the town, which welcomes with the Roman theater, frame of summer shows still today and still the Pomponio Grecino mausoleum the Baths of via degli Ortacci.
In the Romagna Forlivese, in Galeata, there is the monumental Villa di Teodorico with a spa complex. Stroll through the archaeological site of the Roman city of Mevaniola, with its thermal baths and theater and in the Monsignor Domenico Mambrini Civic Museum. The rooms of the archaeological section accompany over time.
As well as in the Maf-Archaeological Museum of Forlimpopoli where the journey starts from the Interior Paleolithic to get to the daily life of Forum Popili, the center founded by the Romans in the second century. B.C.
In Sant'Angelo in Vado, archaeological excavations have brought to light the Domus del Mito, the entire articulation of a large domus gentilizia built towards the end of the first century. A.D. The rediscovered Roman city of Tifernum Mataurense is embellished by a rich complex of figured mosaics, the most conspicuous back in the Marche for decades.
An archaeological museum is also in Santa Maria in the Castello di Tredozio.