
Ceramics in the area

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Ceramics in the area

Black ceramics of Etruscan origin. Flowering thanks to the courts. Decoration techniques and special cooking. Happy coincidences and special insights accompany a tradition from its origins right up until today, to become a distinctive feature of these territories.

Ceramics are also valorised by permanent exhibitions such as Pietrarubbia in Montefeltro: in the village there is an exhibition of restored fragments that are a journey in time. Or at Isola del Piano in upper valley of Metauro the Museum traces the labours of our fathers and in Peglio, where in the church of S. Fortunato there is a Via Crucis with ceramic mouldings from the 1700’s

The explosion of Urbania's “Durantin" pottery, and the ancient majolica. Here the activity of the mausoleum and the painters was celebrated by the wise support of the Della Rovere family, which promoted the development of the art, and created the greatest ceramic productions of the fifteenth century along with those of Urbino.

The Town of Ovens, Casteldurante. Artists often came here to become apprentices to masters of local pottery.

In '500 Casteldurante produced one of the most beautiful majolica of the Renaissance, distinguishing itself from other Italian places of majolica for the invention of its own decorations and the refinement of the pictorial genre called "historiated". The Durantino Cipriano Piccolpasso wrote in 1548 "The Three Books of Potter's Art" dictating the rules and secrets of ceramic making. The production of majolica made famous in the Urbania world since the Renaissance, and today the tradition of the past is revived by the local shops. Urbania is recognized since '94 "Production area of artistic and traditional ceramics" first municipality in the Marche region.

There are exhibitions in the Ducal Palace in the Civic Museum and in the Diocesan Museum. And the town is still full of shops where courses can be taken during educational stays dedicated to ancient techniques.

In the Val Tiberina Tuscany, Anghiari has a tradition that dates from 1700 and in around 1800 there are testimonies of "ordinary pottery factories of all kinds".

In Alta Umbria, Gubbio is an example of another place where technique has becomes synonymous with the territory, thanks tho the "luster" of Mastro Giorgio Andreoli in the sixteenth century. A technique brought forward over time by giving metal reverbs to important productions. Just like today in the town's shops which sell polychrome vases of “bucchero" (the black etruscan ceramic).

In Gualdo Tadino, to close in beauty, ceramic production starts in the thirteenth century. Metal salt and clay, all diluted with vinegar and a special type of baking, give chromatic effects of gold, red, ruby ​​and silver.  A Middle Eastern technique that arrived in Italy in the mid-fifteenth century.

Impurities from earth, colours and civilisations.