Discovering Dante
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Discovering Dante
The High Path. To look with the eyes of the poet, walking alongside the protagonists of his divine rhymes, as the definition of Giovanni Boccaccio wanted. Imagine the cities of today by reading them with the verses of the time.
Stop in front of the building where tradition wants love blossomed between Dante and Beatrice and feel "yes of love the great power" as Alighieri himself wrote in his Rime.
Here are the places of Romagna Forlivese caressed by history, between echoes of events, plots, events that still live in the Comedy.
And so "Bertinoro", that is to say, today's Bertinoro and Castrocaro, quoted in rhymes of "women and 'cavalier, distress and comfort" (Purg XIV) in the story of a tragic love story and arranged marriages.
And Forlì "The land that was already the long trial" (Voice XXVII) where Dante was welcomed during the exile by the Ordelaffi, Ghibelline lords, in fact, of Forlì.
The city is also mentioned in the passage dedicated to the valley of the river Montone, known as Valle dell'Acquacheta with its mighty waterfall: "Like that river has its own path / first from Monte Viso 'nver' levante, / from the left coast d'Apennino, / that is called Acquacheta suso, having / which splits down in the low bed, / and Forlì of that name is vacant, / rumbles over there San Benedetto / de l'Alpe to fall to a descent / where it had to a thousand to be recoiled; / so, down by a steep slope, / we found resounded that water dyed, / yes that 'n poc'ora avria the offended ear "(Inf. XVI, 94-102).
And love, that love imagined and dreamed in Portico di Romagna (Fc), in the palace of the family of Beatrice Portinari: "the rays of these beautiful eyes come in / my love, / and bring sweet wherever I feel bitter" . Terre where Dante is an exceptional guide.
In the Catria and Nerone, on the eastern side of Mount Catria, having as reference Frontone and Serra Sant'Abbondio, history gives us the times of the Supreme Poet and in front of the hermitage of Fonte Avellana here we are in that "... gibbo that he calls Catria, / below which an ermo is consecrated, / that is usually disposed to latria only "as Dante writes in the XXI canto del Paradiso meeting Pier Damiani (1007-1072), prior of the monastery of Fonte Avellana. Monastery dedicated to the worship of God (latria) and that rises under the hump (gibbo) and that is Mount Catria.
Here the library, dedicated no doubt to Dante Alighieri, preserves over ten thousand volumes, even with illuminated manuscripts and ancient sacred books.
In Alta Val Metauro, on the Castle of the Pieve di Mercatello sul Metauro, echoes that day of October 4, 1301 when "Carlo di Valois and Corso Donati decided to exile Dante Alighieri" as an inscription recalls.