
Archaeological area of ​​the Villa di Teodorico

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Archaeological area of ​​the Villa di Teodorico

In 1942 a group of scholars of the Germanic Archaeological Institute of Rome excavated a very modest structure, which was identified with the hunting palace of King Theodoric. In fact, in the Villa of Sant'Ellero it is said that "King Theodoric came to build a palace under that same mountain, above the river Bidente, and had established roads for the neighboring populations”. The Archeology department of the University of Bologna, has identified both Roman and Theoderician structures. The research has brought to light an elegant spa district, with artificially heated rooms (calidarium and tepidarium) and cold environments (frigarium); connected to this covered area a large courtyard paved with sandstone slabs that has been excavated with a large basin in the middle. Interesting pre-Roman materials also come from the area, such as a small bronze of knight and other ceramics. Nearby is the small church of Santa Maria Assunta del Pantano.

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