Renaissance views
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Renaissance views
Privileged points of view. Ideal landscape, special traits. To stop, as only here can be, in front of infinity become art.
Go out as if you were in the balcony and, therefore, breathe the landscape. And look at it with the eyes of the artist who delivered it to the time. A unique palette to relive the Renaissance masterpieces.
Here then, between Urbania and Sant’Angelo in Vado, the Ca 'Mocetto balcony that offers the landscape that is the background to the portrait of Federico da Montefeltro by Piero della Francesca.
A unique fortune, that of being able to browse a catalog of art and tourism expressed in the territory of the river Metauro in its plain, between Urbania, Peglio and Sant'Angelo in Vado and the Apennines, the Alpe della Luna, Sasso Simone and Simoncello , the Carpegna. The lake. Today as yesterday, I'm there.
Between Fermignano and Urbania, in Piana di San Silvestro, there is the landscape of the Triumphal Chariots of the Dictate of the Dukes of Urbino.
The valley, still the Metauro and Urbania, Fermignano, Urbino and Acqualagna. The hills and the hills. Life around. And this is the Balcony of Pieve del Colle.
From the balcony in Località Boaggine, near Monte Carpegna, the Nativity scene is re-enacted, in its background divided between the landscape and the Sansepolcro view.
Montecopiolo is instead the background to La Resurrezione. And even with the backdrop of the same territory reported in the Baptism of Christ, but on the other side. Double view therefore from the Montecopiolo Balcony.
The place where everything is best concentrated, from the landscape to the single life that flows in its streets like eternal veins is Urbino.
But it is from Pennabilli, to Roccione and Monte Costagrande that the eye can be abducted by the surprising discovery of the places that made the background of the most famous faces: that of Mona Lisa made imperishable by the genius of Leonardo and his Gioconda.
Where, if not in these territories, then, we rise together with the aerial perspective of the works of Piero della Francesca and the immortal fame of Raphael and Leonardo?