
Ridracoli Dam

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Ridracoli Dam

The Ridracoli Dam, with its artificial basin, was built between the end of the '70s and the beginning of the' 80s. The wall, which contains the waters of the Bidente, in its branch of Ridracoli, is 432m long and 103.5m high, and is composed of twenty-seven concrete blocks separated by joints. Inside the body of the dam and the pulvino the tunnels have been realized, inside which it is possible to directly see some measuring instruments for the constant control of the structure (measurement of displacements, temperature, pressure). The artificial lake, within the municipal territories of Santa Sofia and Bagno di Romagna, is about 1km square and can contain 33 million cubic meters of water. The water collected in the lake is purified by the Capaccio drinking water distribution center and distributed through the Romagna aqueduct. Near Radracoli have been completely renovated, thanks to the intervention of Romagna Acque, some farmhouses frequented by tourists who love the tranquility and the natural beauties. In the summer of 200, IDRO Ecomuseo delle Acque was inaugurated in the village of Radracoli, which complements the educational, cultural and tourist offer.

Gardens, parks and natural reserves
47018 Santa sofia e bagno di romagna (FC)
Fax: 0543981021
Opening time in Winter: 
Opening time in Summer: 
Saturday and Sunday
Closing Time: 
Holidays (Christmas Easter, etc.)

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E.g., 2024-06-14
E.g., 10:11