The crescia sfogliata (savoury pastry)
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The crescia sfogliata (savoury pastry)
A legend at the table. When the architect Luciano Laurana designed towers that characterise the façade of the Doge's Palace in Urbino, he did not imagine, as perhaps the Duke of Urbino Federico da Montefeltro did not imagine, that one day even the sun would come down to admire the beauty of this area… peek at the city and maybe even look into the Duke's studio.
When the sun came down to visit it became entangled in one of the towers, and a baker who passed by was attracted by the waterfall of sparks that fell from the entangled sun. The baker was inspired by this to make a new pastry.
Its name comes from the slow process of raising the pastry with yeast. This food was on the tables in this territory as far back as the fifteenth century.
From the recipe of flour, eggs and lard, and with salt and pepper, one produces a dough which is cooked on a hot skillet. To be enjoyed alone or in combination with vegetables, cheeses or salami.
An example, therefore, of the long tradition of the breads.